Thursday, July 18, 2013

Review: 1408 (2007)

Film ini tentang John Cusack yang ceritanya tuh dia jadi penulis buku horor. Dia selalu pergi ke tempat-tempat misterius atau angker dan nulis report tentang tempat itu. Dari laporan-laporan itulah akhirnya dijadikan buku horor. Walau penulis horor, si John ini kayaknya enggak terlalu percaya sama hantu dan hal-hal gaib lainnya.

Di dalam film ini, ceritanya si John lagi pengen ngumpulin laporan tentang hotel-hotel berhantu. Dia akhirnya pergi ke berbagai hotel yang punya gosip atau rumor hantu, tapi... dia cukup kecewa karena hampir enggak ada hotel yang bener-bener sesuai sama keinginannya. Sampai pada suatu hari dia dapet surat/kartu pos yang bertulis (kira-kira): jangan nginep di hotel dolphin kamar 1408. Dan seperti sifat manusia lainnya, kalau dilarang ya malah jadi tambah penasaran, akhirnya si John pergi ke hotel Dolphin.

Di sini, Samuel L. Jackson ternyata jadi pemilik hotel. Dia udah ngelarang John buat nginep di kamar itu, tapi jelas aja si John maksa dooong (kalau gak jadi nginep kan gak seru, filmnya abis dong?!). Setelah berdebat cukup lama, akhirnya si John diijinin nginep selama satu malam. Si Samuel juga udah ngingetin kalau banyak banget korban mati di kamar itu, bukan bunuh diri biasa atau dibunuh seseorang, tapi murni karena gila akibat efek dari kamar 1408 itu.

Dan akhirnya John berhasil nginep. Walau cuma satu malam, rasanya tuh panjaaaang banget. John ngelihat hal-hal aneh dan ngalamin kejadian di luar dugaan. Dia yang awalnya gak terlalu percaya hal-hal gaib, kali ini malah ketakutan abis. Setiap dia pengen minta tolong, usahanya sia-sia, seolah kamar 1408 itu cuma satu-satunya kamar di dunia, and he's completely alone. Di dalam kamar itu, dia seolah diingatkan sama masa lalunya, soal semua kesalahan-kesalahannya, dll.

Film ini emang film horor, tapi bukan tipe film yang bakal nunjukin penampakan ala hantu cewek berbaju putih dan berambut panjang. Tidaaaakk....

Review: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005)

Genres                           : Drama, Family, and Adaptation
Directed by                     : Ken Kwapis
Written by                      : Delia Ephron and Elizabeth Chandler
Based on the novel by    : Ann Brashares
Released by                    : Warner Brothers Pictures
Running time                   : 119 minutes
Film ini bercerita tentang persahabatan empat orang cewek yang akan menjalani liburan musim panas di tempat yang berbeda yang ditemani oleh sebuah celana jeans yang akan dipakai secara bergiliran dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain.
Mereka percaya bahwa jeans itu ajaib, dan akan mempererat persahabatan mereka. Tidak disangka dengan kepercayaan kecil ini kita akan dibawa pada perjalanan panjang dan kompleks remaja yang familiar dijumpai, namun berhasil digali dengan baik oleh sutradara (Ken Kwapis) sehingga kita bisa merasakan betapa beratnya konflik yang dialami keempat cewek itu.
Memang butuh perjuangan bagi keempat cewek itu untuk melalui musim panas mereka yang sangat sangat tidak terduga. Namun inilah pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” bahwa kita harus berani berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik meskipun kadang berubah itu nggak gampang dan menyakitkan, halah…
Misalnya dari keempat cewek tadi, Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) dikenal mempunyai jiwa pemberontak dan seolah hanya peduli pada dirinya sendiri. Dia sering mengkritik hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan pandangannya, dan kurang bisa melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain.

Pada liburan musim panasnya ia harus bekerja di supermarket untuk bisa membeli peralatan videonya, yang akan ia gunakan untuk mendokumentasikan bagaimana bosan dan tidak menariknya kehidupan ini. Namun pertemuannya dengan seorang anak kecil menyebalkan, Bailey (Jenna Boyd), merubah sudut pandangnya secara total.
Bailey bukannya suka menasehati atau gimana, pada awalnya ia bahkan terkesan sebagai anak pengganggu. Tapi di setiap Bailey melakukan sesuatu pada orang lain, ia melakukannya dengan tulus. Lalu sebuah kenyataan bahwa Bailey ternyata memiliki masalah yang jauh lebih berat dari apapun, bahkan lebih berat dari masalah Tibby sendiri, membuat Tibby sadar betapa selama ini ia kurang menghargai hidupnya.
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - the-teen-spirit.dkKi-ka: Carmen, Tibby, Lena, dan Bridget –
Ketiga kisah lainnya juga menggetarkan sih, misalnya Bridget (Blake Lively) yang selalu dibayang-bayangi dengan kematian ibunya (yang depresi dan bunuh diri) sehingga membuatnya selalu merasa harus melakukan sesuatu untuk melupakan masa lalu itu. Namun yang ia lalukan di musim panas itu malah membuatnya semakin terjerat dengan sesuatu yang ingin ia hindari.
Lalu ada Lena (Alexis Bledel) adalah seorang pemalu yang suka menutup diri. Masalah yang dimilikinya adalah ia terlalu paranoid untuk dekat dengan orang lain yang ingin memasuki kehidupannya, misalnya saja cowok. Lena kurang memiliki keberanian untuk memperjuangkan hubungan dengan orang lain, sampai ia bertemu dengan Kostos (Michael Rady) yang bisa memahami Lena dan membantunya mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut.
Yang terakhir sang narator, Carmen (America Ferrera), yang punya krisis rasa kasih sayang dari ayahnya. Setelah bercerai saat Carmen masih kecil, ia hanya bertemu ayahnya dua kali setahun dan pada liburan ini ia sangat sulit menerima saat ayahnya menikah lagi. Carmen merasa cemburu dan merasa dibuang.
Tapi dengan dukungan dari ketiga sahabatnya Carmen bisa menyikapi keputusan ayahnya dan masalah di antara mereka selesai. Kisah Carmen ini menjadi penutup film ini sekaligus menjadi momen kemenangan keempat remaja itu dalam mengalahkan masalah mereka dan mempererat rasa persaudaraan mereka.
Well, kisah-kisah perubahan di atas memang tidak ada sangkut pautnya sama celana jeans, tapi itulah uniknya film ini. Memang perbaikan dalam hidup hanya tergantung dari usaha kita sendiri. Tapi celana jeans itu tetap mendapat hati dari mereka, karena celana itu mengabadikan kenangan tentang apa saja yang mereka alami selama musim panas yang merubah hidup mereka selamanya… :)
Hehe, untuk plot dan pesan-pesan saya rasa cukup sekian. Untuk masalah casting para aktor sangat sukses mewakili empat ornag sahabat dengan masalahnya sendiri-sendiri. Potret persahabatan sangat terlihat, sehingga karakter dan hubungan mereka sangat melekat di hati penonton.
Film ini memang film sederhana, namun penggarapannya yang apa adanya dan realistis merupakan daya tarik tersendiri, membuat kita merasa dekat karena konfliknya sering kita jumpai dalam kehidupan dan lingkungan kita. Overall, highly recomended karena kaya akan nilai moral bagi pengembangan diri kita.
With: Amber Tamblyn (Tibby), America Ferrara (Carmen), Blake Lively (Bridget), Alexis Bledel (Lena), Bradley Whitford (Al, ayah Carmen), Nancy Travis (Lydia, ibu tiri Carmen), Rachel Ticotin (ibu carmen) dan Jenna Boyd (Bailey)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Review : The Uninvited (2009)

Ada yang pernah nonton film Shutter Island ? Yup film ini hampir mirip dengan film Shutter Island yg dibintangi oleh Leonardo DiCaprio. 

Film The uninvited mengisahkan tentang seorang remaja cantik bernama Anna (Emily Browning) yg baru keluar dari rumah sakit jiwa akibat depresi dikarenakan ibunya yang meninggal karena kebakaran dirumah perahu mereka.

Saat akan keluar dari rumah sakit jiwa, seorang terapis mengatakan kepada Anna untuk mengakhiri apa yg telah dia mulai dan melanjutkan hidup sebagai remaja normal. Saat pulang kerumahnya yang berada didaerah pantai dia dijemput oleh ayahnya (David Straitharn) . Anna tidak menyukai ketika ayahnya memperkenalkan pacar barunya yang merupakan suster perawat ibunya yang sedang sakit yang bernama Rachel ( Elizabeth Banks). Dirumah Anna kembali bersama dengan kakaknya Alex (Arielle Kebbel) yang ternyata juga tidak menyukai kehadiran Rachel dirumahnya. Makanya kedua saudara ini memiliki rencana untuk mengetahui siapa sebenarnya Rachel. 
Kejadian-kejadian aneh setelah Anna pulang sering menghantui dirinya. Awalnya dia merasa rumah dia di hantui oleh arwah penasaran belum lagi, penampakan tiga orang anak remaja yg sudah mati. Penampakan-penampakan arwah2 gentayangan tersebut tampaknya mengisyaratkan sesuatu.

Satu adegan yg mencekam dan membuat bulu kuduk berdiri adalah ketika dia datang kerumah perahu tempat ibunya meninggal karena kebakaran. Dia di datangi oleh sesosok makhluk gaib yg menyerupai ibunya. Lalu arwah tersebut berteriak dengan kenyang "MUUURRRDDDERRR" sambil tangannya mengarah ke Rachel yang berada diluar rumah utama. Keyakinan Anna bahwa kebakaran rumah perahu yg membunuh ibunya dikarenakan oleh pembunuhan yg dilakukan oleh perawatnya yg sekarang menjadi pacar ayahnya, semakin bertambah setelah dia tampaknya diberi petunjuk oleh ketiga arwah anak kecil. Sehingga Anna dan Alex mencari informasi tentang sosok seorang Rachel.
Pada pertengahan film ini saya merasa ada tiga kemungkinan dalam mengakhiri cerita film ini, 

Anna (Emily Browning) dan Alex (Arielle Kebbel)
Pertama, Bisa saja Anna mengalami halusinasi seperti film Shutter Island, dimana pembunuh sebenarnya adalah Anna yg mengalami depresi.

Kedua, Mungkin benar juga dimana Rachel adalah pembunuh sadis yang siap menghabisi Anna dan kakanya, Alex, demi mendapatkan ayahnya.

Ketiga, Memang ada arwah jahat yg bergentayangan dalam rumah mereka seperti yg dikatakan Anna, bahwa ada hal jahat didalam rumah mereka, dan arwah jahat ini berusaha membuat mereka gila satu persatu.

Setidaknya satu dari perkiraan saya benar. Tapi jujur ​​saja. Film ini menarik, mencekam, dan mengerikan sama seperti film Shutter Island dimana ending film ini akan sangat banyak adegan yang mengejutkan dan menyeramkan.

Saya merekomendasikan film ini bagi kalian yang menyukai film-film ber genre horror-horror berbau drama misteri.

Catatan tambahan:

Film ini adalah remake dari film Korea pd tahun 2003 yang berjudul A Tale of Two Sisters .

Review: Stoker (2013)

India Stoker:   "He used to say, sometimes you need to do something bad to stop you from doing something worse. "
Sutradara: Park Chan-wook Pemain:Nicole Kidman, Mia Wasikowska, Matthew Goode Produksi: Warner Bros Rating:(4/5) India Stoker adalah semacam Hamlet (sandiwara tragedi karya William Shakespeare) perempuan. Setelah ayahnya meninggal secara misterius, ibunya justru tertarik kepada pamannya.Namun, Paman Charlie lebih tertarik untuk menggantikan saudaranya sebagai sosok ayah-semu bagi India dalam film berbahasa Inggris pertama karya sutradara Park Chan-wook, Stoker, yang ditayangkan di Festival Film Sundance 2013. India Stoker selalu sangat dekat dengan ayahnya, karena mereka berdua sama -sama gemar berburu. Ya, dia adalah seorang perempuan yang dapat menembakkan senjata api. Namun, hubungan dengan ibunya adalah masalah lain. Evelyn "Evie" Stoker adalah seorang perempuan yang sangat dingin dan sering berurusan dengan hukum, sehingga dia harus dimainkan oleh Nicole Kidman. Ketika Paman Charlie muncul setelah pemakaman suaminya, sang janda tersebut ternyata merasakan "kenyamanan" kepadanya. Namun India tidak terkesan dengan sang paman, dan menolak semua tawaran persahabatan dari pamannya. Bibi Gin yang ramah merasa cukup khawatir dengan kehadiran Charlie Stoker, namun dia telah menghilang sebelum dia bisa menjelaskan mengapa. Dan banyak orang di sekitar keluarga Stoker yang tampaknya juga menghilang. 

Rating: ★★★★

Friday, April 12, 2013

New movie on this year!


Texas Chainsaw 3D‘ (Jan. 4) — Directed by John Luessenhop. Starring Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde and Scott Eastwood. Leatherface is back! A group of friends accompanies a young woman down to Texas to collect her inheritance, but they soon find themselves running for their lives with a chainsaw-wielding killer on their tails.
Gangster Squad‘ (Jan. 11) — Directed by Ruben Fleisher. Starring Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and Josh Brolin. In what’s being called the modern-day film noir, a member of the LAPD must gather an elite team to take down the biggest gangster in ’40s-era Los Angeles.
Zero Dark Thirty‘ (Jan. 11) — Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. Starring Chris Pratt, Jessica Chastain and Joel Edgerton. After having a limited release in December 2013, ‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ which tells the story of the Navy SEAL Team credited for taking down Osama Bin Laden, will have a wide release come January 11, 2013.
The Last Stand‘ (Jan. 18) — Directed by Jee-woon Kim. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eduardo Noriega and Forest Whitaker. The head of a prominent drug cartel busts out of jail and is speeding towards the Mexican border, but he has to go through sheriff Schwarzenegger and his crew first!
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters‘ (Jan. 25) — Directed by Tommy Wirkola. Starring Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton and Peter Stormare. This is not the ‘Hansel & Gretel’ fairy tale you remember from childhood. In this rated-R version, these storybook siblings are professional witch hunters, but their latest job will catch them off guard.


Warm Bodies‘ (Feb. 1) — Directed by Jonathan Levine. Starring Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer. Zombies need love, too! In this post-zombie apocalypse, one member of the “walking dead” falls in love with a human, reviving his humanity.
Beautiful Creatures‘ (Feb. 14) — Directed by Richard LaGravanese. Starring Alice Englert, Alden Ehrenreich, Emma Thompson, Viola Davis, Jeremy Irons and Emmy Rossum. Based on the Young Adult novel of the same name, a young man falls in love with a mysterious girl who turns out to be a “Caster” (fancy word for witch) with a dark event looming in her near future. [NOTE: While the film was originally planned for Feb. 13, Warner Bros. saw fit to give 'Beautiful Creatures' a Valentine's Day premiere.]
A Good Day to Die Hard‘ (Feb. 14) — Directed by John Moore. Starring Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. In the fifth installment of the ‘Die Hard’ series, John McClane meets his son in Russia, only to discover that he’s actually a CIA operative working to foil a nuclear weapons heist.
Snitch‘ (Feb. 22) — Directed by Ric Roman Waugh. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Susan Sarandon. In order to help out his son, who’s been set up for a drug deal, a father goes undercover for the DEA to bring the responsible parties to justice.


Jack the Giant Slayer‘ (Mar. 1) — Directed by Bryan Singer. Starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci. In this 2013 retelling of the classic fairy tale, Jack inadvertently opens up a gateway to the mystical realm of giants, who want nothing more than to take back Earth as their own.
21 and Over‘ (Mar. 1) — Directed byJon Lucas and Scott Moore. Starring Skyler Astin, Miles Teller and Justin Chon. The night before he’s supposed to take his med school exam, a student celebrates his 21st birthday ‘The Hangover’-style with his two best buddies.
Oz: The Great and Powerful‘ (Mar. 8) — Directed by Sam Raimi. Starring James Franco, Michelle Williams, Mila Kunis and Rachel Weisz. Stage magician Oscar Diggs is whisked away to the Land of Oz where he encounters three witches, all of whom initially believe him to be the prophesied savior of Oz.
Spring Breakers‘ (Mar. 22) — Directed by Harmony Korine. Starring Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Heather Morris and James Franco. Four college girls attempt to rob a restaurant in order to pay for their spring break expenses, but end up getting thrown in jail. Not-so fortunately for them, a drug dealer bails them out in exchange for their services.
The Croods‘ (Mar. 22) — Directed by Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders. Starring Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds and Nicolas Cage. A prehistoric family of cavemen have never wandered too far away from their home, until the curious daughter leads them all on a riveting adventure through the world.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation‘ (Mar. 29) — Directed by Jon M. Chu. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Channing Tatum and Ray Park. Initially set for release this year before being pushed back to 2013. Not only does the team have to face their arch enemy Cobra, but now they have to contend with forces within the government that threaten all their lives.


Jurassic Park 3D‘ (April 5) — Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum. This Spielberg classic will have a 3D release in 2013. During a preview of a new theme park featuring real-life dinosaurs, everything falls into chaos when the creatures break from their cages and terrorize the park.
Evil Dead‘ (April 12) — Directed by Fede Alvarez. Starring Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez and Jessica Lucas. A group of friends are vacationing in a cabin in the woods when they discover a “Book of the Dead” and accidentally release a horde of demons.
Scary Movie 5‘ (April 12) — Directed by Malcolm D. Lee. Starring Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen and Terry Crews. After all of Lohan’s failed attempts to get out of her contract, the fifth installment of the spoof-horror franchise debuts in 2013.
Oblivion‘ (April 12 limited IMAX release, April 19 wide release) — Directed by Joseph Kosinski. Starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Andrea Riseborough. Earth as we know it is a distant memory and Jack Harper is one of the last remaining humans stationed on the planet now overrun by a terrifying threat.


Iron Man 3‘ (May 3) — Directed by Shane Black. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley. Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is back! After the events of ‘The Avengers’ movie, our favorite “millionaire, playboy philanthropist” is looking to piece his life back together when the magic-ringed Mandarin attacks.
The Great Gatsby‘ (May 10) — Directed by Baz Luhrmann. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire and Joel Edgerton. Based on the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the same name, Nick Carraway is drawn into his next-door neighbor’s lavish inner circle.
Star Trek Into Darkness‘ (May 17) — Directed by J.J. Abrams. Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Enterprise team returns home to find their planet left in devastation. Now they must travel to a war-zone world to find the man responsible.
Fast and Furious 6‘ (May 24) — Directed by Justin Lin. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. The official plot for the 2013 installment of the popular ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise is currently being kept underwraps but we do know it takes the gang to London. Check back soon for more details on this release!
The Hangover: Part III‘ (24) — Directed by Todd Phillips. Starring Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Justin Bartha. There’s no bachelor party or wedding this time around. Instead, the wolf pack heads on a road trip!


Man of Steel‘ (Jun. 14) — Directed by Zak Snyder. Starring Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner and Amy Adams. ‘The Immortals’ star takes over the superhero franchise as the new “Man of Steel.” In this Superman origin story, Earth’s mightiest hero must decide whether to accept his role as savior or to use his abilities for selfish purposes.
World War Z‘ (Jun. 21) — Directed by Marc Forster. Starring Brad Pitt. In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, a UN employee races all over the world to try and stop the outbreak.
Monsters University‘ (Jun. 21) — Directed by Dan Scanlon. Starring Billy Crystal, John Goodman and Steve Buscemi. Before the hilarious events of the first ‘Monsters Inc.’ movie, we find Mike and Sully experiencing college life at the University of Fear.
Kick-Ass 2‘ (Jun. 28) — Directed by Jeff Wadlow. Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, ChloĆ« Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. The Red Mist is plotting their revenge on the costume-wearing high school team, while the superheroes team up with a group of eager-to-fight citizens.


The Lone Ranger‘ (Jul. 3) — Directed by Gore Verbinski. Starring Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp. Tonto recounts the events of how man of the law John Reid became the heroic, masked Lone Ranger.
Despicable Me 2‘ (Jul. 3) — Starring Steve Carell, Al Pacino and Kristen Wiig. Focusing more on the minions this time around, the 2013 sequel to ‘Despicable Me’ brings back all your favorite characters, plus a few new ones.
Pacific Rim‘ (Jul. 12) — Directed by Guillermo del Toro. Starring Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and Rinko Kikuchi. When a horde of gargantuan monsters known as Kaiju rise from the ocean and attack the planet, humanity’s only defense is a team of pilots who command equally gargantuan robots.
The Wolverine‘ (Jul. 26) — Directed by James Mangold. Starring Hugh Jackman and Will Yun Lee. Way after the events of ‘X-Men: The Last Stand,’ Wolverine travels to Japan to study with a samurai warrior.


Elysium‘ (Aug. 9) — Directed by Neill Blomkamp. Starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. In the year 2159, a man sets out on a mission that could possible bring equality to the rivaling classes.
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones‘ (Aug. 23) — Directed by. Starring Lena Headey, Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower. Everyone is looking for the next ‘Twilight,’ and we think it’s been found in this new Young Adult-adapted story about a girl who is thrown into the world of demons and angels.


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones‘ (Sep. 20) — Directed by George Lucas. Starring Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. The second chapter in the prequel trilogy to the original ‘Star Wars’ movies gets a 3D release.


Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith‘ (Oct. 4) – Directed by George Lucas. Starring Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. The third chapter in the prequel trilogy to the original ‘Star Wars’ movies gets a 3D release.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For‘ (initial release on Oct. 4 and wide release on Oct. 14) — Directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez. Starring Clive Owen, Jessica Alba and Mickey Rourke. The semi-prequel to the first ‘Sin City’ movie follows Dwight as he seeks revenge against a woman who broke his heart years ago, and Nancy as she tries to deal with the death of Hartigan.
Oldboy‘ (Oct. 11) — Directed by Starring Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L. Jackson. In this remake of the original ‘Oldboy,’ an average man was kept in a room for 15 years and now has only five days to figure out why.
Carrie‘ (Oct. 18) — Directed by Kimberly Peirce. Starring Chloe Moretz and Julianne Moore. Stephen King’s classic horror story gets new life in this remake, which features Moretz as the angry telekinetic teen and Moore as her insanely religious mother. [NOTE: 'Carrie' was originally planned for a Mar. 15 release, but Sony recently swapped it for a later spot.]
The World’s End‘ (Oct. 25) — Directed by Edgar Wright. Starring Simon Pegg, Martin Freeman and Nick Frost. Twenty years after attempting an epic pub crawl, a group of friends reunite in 2013 to try it again. Only this time, they wind up becoming humanity’s last hope for survival.
Paranormal Activity 5‘ (Oct. 25) — Directed by TBD. Starring TBD. The ‘Paranormal Activity’ demon is back in the next installment of the popular horror movie franchise.


Ender’s Game‘ (Nov. 1) — Directed by Gavin Hood. Starring Asa Butterfield, Abigail Breslin and Harrison Ford. A gifted child is sent into space to train for a future alien invasion in this movie adapted from the novel by Orson Scott Card.
Thor: The Dark World‘ (Nov. 8) — Directed by Alan Taylor. Starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christopher Eccleston. The Dark Elves attack the realm of Asgard, prompting the God of Thunder to seek out his brother Loki in order to access the Dark World and bring the villains to justice.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire‘ (Nov. 22) — Directed by Francis Lawrence. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Sam Claflin. The next chapter in ‘The Hunger Games’ series finds Katniss and Peter thrown back into the arena for a Hunger Games all-star edition, where they’re pitted against former victors.


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug‘ ( Dec. 13) — Directed by Peter Jackson. Starring Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Benedict Cumberbatch and Lee Pace. Bilbo, Gandalf and the Dwarfs continue their journey to retrieve the gold the dragon Smaug stole.
Let us know what 2013 releases you’re most excited about in the comments below! And make sure to bookmark this page as we’ll continue to update the 2013 new movie releases throughout the year!

New movie on this year!


Texas Chainsaw 3D‘ (Jan. 4) — Directed by John Luessenhop. Starring Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde and Scott Eastwood. Leatherface is back! A group of friends accompanies a young woman down to Texas to collect her inheritance, but they soon find themselves running for their lives with a chainsaw-wielding killer on their tails.
Gangster Squad‘ (Jan. 11) — Directed by Ruben Fleisher. Starring Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone and Josh Brolin. In what’s being called the modern-day film noir, a member of the LAPD must gather an elite team to take down the biggest gangster in ’40s-era Los Angeles.
Zero Dark Thirty‘ (Jan. 11) — Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. Starring Chris Pratt, Jessica Chastain and Joel Edgerton. After having a limited release in December 2013, ‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ which tells the story of the Navy SEAL Team credited for taking down Osama Bin Laden, will have a wide release come January 11, 2013.
The Last Stand‘ (Jan. 18) — Directed by Jee-woon Kim. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eduardo Noriega and Forest Whitaker. The head of a prominent drug cartel busts out of jail and is speeding towards the Mexican border, but he has to go through sheriff Schwarzenegger and his crew first!
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters‘ (Jan. 25) — Directed by Tommy Wirkola. Starring Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton and Peter Stormare. This is not the ‘Hansel & Gretel’ fairy tale you remember from childhood. In this rated-R version, these storybook siblings are professional witch hunters, but their latest job will catch them off guard.


Warm Bodies‘ (Feb. 1) — Directed by Jonathan Levine. Starring Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer. Zombies need love, too! In this post-zombie apocalypse, one member of the “walking dead” falls in love with a human, reviving his humanity.
Beautiful Creatures‘ (Feb. 14) — Directed by Richard LaGravanese. Starring Alice Englert, Alden Ehrenreich, Emma Thompson, Viola Davis, Jeremy Irons and Emmy Rossum. Based on the Young Adult novel of the same name, a young man falls in love with a mysterious girl who turns out to be a “Caster” (fancy word for witch) with a dark event looming in her near future. [NOTE: While the film was originally planned for Feb. 13, Warner Bros. saw fit to give 'Beautiful Creatures' a Valentine's Day premiere.]
A Good Day to Die Hard‘ (Feb. 14) — Directed by John Moore. Starring Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. In the fifth installment of the ‘Die Hard’ series, John McClane meets his son in Russia, only to discover that he’s actually a CIA operative working to foil a nuclear weapons heist.
Snitch‘ (Feb. 22) — Directed by Ric Roman Waugh. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Susan Sarandon. In order to help out his son, who’s been set up for a drug deal, a father goes undercover for the DEA to bring the responsible parties to justice.


Jack the Giant Slayer‘ (Mar. 1) — Directed by Bryan Singer. Starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci. In this 2013 retelling of the classic fairy tale, Jack inadvertently opens up a gateway to the mystical realm of giants, who want nothing more than to take back Earth as their own.
21 and Over‘ (Mar. 1) — Directed byJon Lucas and Scott Moore. Starring Skyler Astin, Miles Teller and Justin Chon. The night before he’s supposed to take his med school exam, a student celebrates his 21st birthday ‘The Hangover’-style with his two best buddies.
Oz: The Great and Powerful‘ (Mar. 8) — Directed by Sam Raimi. Starring James Franco, Michelle Williams, Mila Kunis and Rachel Weisz. Stage magician Oscar Diggs is whisked away to the Land of Oz where he encounters three witches, all of whom initially believe him to be the prophesied savior of Oz.
Spring Breakers‘ (Mar. 22) — Directed by Harmony Korine. Starring Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Heather Morris and James Franco. Four college girls attempt to rob a restaurant in order to pay for their spring break expenses, but end up getting thrown in jail. Not-so fortunately for them, a drug dealer bails them out in exchange for their services.
The Croods‘ (Mar. 22) — Directed by Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders. Starring Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds and Nicolas Cage. A prehistoric family of cavemen have never wandered too far away from their home, until the curious daughter leads them all on a riveting adventure through the world.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation‘ (Mar. 29) — Directed by Jon M. Chu. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Channing Tatum and Ray Park. Initially set for release this year before being pushed back to 2013. Not only does the team have to face their arch enemy Cobra, but now they have to contend with forces within the government that threaten all their lives.


Jurassic Park 3D‘ (April 5) — Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum. This Spielberg classic will have a 3D release in 2013. During a preview of a new theme park featuring real-life dinosaurs, everything falls into chaos when the creatures break from their cages and terrorize the park.
Evil Dead‘ (April 12) — Directed by Fede Alvarez. Starring Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez and Jessica Lucas. A group of friends are vacationing in a cabin in the woods when they discover a “Book of the Dead” and accidentally release a horde of demons.
Scary Movie 5‘ (April 12) — Directed by Malcolm D. Lee. Starring Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen and Terry Crews. After all of Lohan’s failed attempts to get out of her contract, the fifth installment of the spoof-horror franchise debuts in 2013.
Oblivion‘ (April 12 limited IMAX release, April 19 wide release) — Directed by Joseph Kosinski. Starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Andrea Riseborough. Earth as we know it is a distant memory and Jack Harper is one of the last remaining humans stationed on the planet now overrun by a terrifying threat.


Iron Man 3‘ (May 3) — Directed by Shane Black. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley. Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is back! After the events of ‘The Avengers’ movie, our favorite “millionaire, playboy philanthropist” is looking to piece his life back together when the magic-ringed Mandarin attacks.
The Great Gatsby‘ (May 10) — Directed by Baz Luhrmann. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire and Joel Edgerton. Based on the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the same name, Nick Carraway is drawn into his next-door neighbor’s lavish inner circle.
Star Trek Into Darkness‘ (May 17) — Directed by J.J. Abrams. Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Benedict Cumberbatch. The Enterprise team returns home to find their planet left in devastation. Now they must travel to a war-zone world to find the man responsible.
Fast and Furious 6‘ (May 24) — Directed by Justin Lin. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. The official plot for the 2013 installment of the popular ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise is currently being kept underwraps but we do know it takes the gang to London. Check back soon for more details on this release!
The Hangover: Part III‘ (24) — Directed by Todd Phillips. Starring Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms and Justin Bartha. There’s no bachelor party or wedding this time around. Instead, the wolf pack heads on a road trip!


Man of Steel‘ (Jun. 14) — Directed by Zak Snyder. Starring Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner and Amy Adams. ‘The Immortals’ star takes over the superhero franchise as the new “Man of Steel.” In this Superman origin story, Earth’s mightiest hero must decide whether to accept his role as savior or to use his abilities for selfish purposes.
World War Z‘ (Jun. 21) — Directed by Marc Forster. Starring Brad Pitt. In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, a UN employee races all over the world to try and stop the outbreak.
Monsters University‘ (Jun. 21) — Directed by Dan Scanlon. Starring Billy Crystal, John Goodman and Steve Buscemi. Before the hilarious events of the first ‘Monsters Inc.’ movie, we find Mike and Sully experiencing college life at the University of Fear.
Kick-Ass 2‘ (Jun. 28) — Directed by Jeff Wadlow. Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, ChloĆ« Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse. The Red Mist is plotting their revenge on the costume-wearing high school team, while the superheroes team up with a group of eager-to-fight citizens.


The Lone Ranger‘ (Jul. 3) — Directed by Gore Verbinski. Starring Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp. Tonto recounts the events of how man of the law John Reid became the heroic, masked Lone Ranger.
Despicable Me 2‘ (Jul. 3) — Starring Steve Carell, Al Pacino and Kristen Wiig. Focusing more on the minions this time around, the 2013 sequel to ‘Despicable Me’ brings back all your favorite characters, plus a few new ones.
Pacific Rim‘ (Jul. 12) — Directed by Guillermo del Toro. Starring Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and Rinko Kikuchi. When a horde of gargantuan monsters known as Kaiju rise from the ocean and attack the planet, humanity’s only defense is a team of pilots who command equally gargantuan robots.
The Wolverine‘ (Jul. 26) — Directed by James Mangold. Starring Hugh Jackman and Will Yun Lee. Way after the events of ‘X-Men: The Last Stand,’ Wolverine travels to Japan to study with a samurai warrior.


Elysium‘ (Aug. 9) — Directed by Neill Blomkamp. Starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. In the year 2159, a man sets out on a mission that could possible bring equality to the rivaling classes.
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones‘ (Aug. 23) — Directed by. Starring Lena Headey, Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower. Everyone is looking for the next ‘Twilight,’ and we think it’s been found in this new Young Adult-adapted story about a girl who is thrown into the world of demons and angels.


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones‘ (Sep. 20) — Directed by George Lucas. Starring Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. The second chapter in the prequel trilogy to the original ‘Star Wars’ movies gets a 3D release.


Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith‘ (Oct. 4) – Directed by George Lucas. Starring Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. The third chapter in the prequel trilogy to the original ‘Star Wars’ movies gets a 3D release.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For‘ (initial release on Oct. 4 and wide release on Oct. 14) — Directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez. Starring Clive Owen, Jessica Alba and Mickey Rourke. The semi-prequel to the first ‘Sin City’ movie follows Dwight as he seeks revenge against a woman who broke his heart years ago, and Nancy as she tries to deal with the death of Hartigan.
Oldboy‘ (Oct. 11) — Directed by Starring Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L. Jackson. In this remake of the original ‘Oldboy,’ an average man was kept in a room for 15 years and now has only five days to figure out why.
Carrie‘ (Oct. 18) — Directed by Kimberly Peirce. Starring Chloe Moretz and Julianne Moore. Stephen King’s classic horror story gets new life in this remake, which features Moretz as the angry telekinetic teen and Moore as her insanely religious mother. [NOTE: 'Carrie' was originally planned for a Mar. 15 release, but Sony recently swapped it for a later spot.]
The World’s End‘ (Oct. 25) — Directed by Edgar Wright. Starring Simon Pegg, Martin Freeman and Nick Frost. Twenty years after attempting an epic pub crawl, a group of friends reunite in 2013 to try it again. Only this time, they wind up becoming humanity’s last hope for survival.
Paranormal Activity 5‘ (Oct. 25) — Directed by TBD. Starring TBD. The ‘Paranormal Activity’ demon is back in the next installment of the popular horror movie franchise.


Ender’s Game‘ (Nov. 1) — Directed by Gavin Hood. Starring Asa Butterfield, Abigail Breslin and Harrison Ford. A gifted child is sent into space to train for a future alien invasion in this movie adapted from the novel by Orson Scott Card.
Thor: The Dark World‘ (Nov. 8) — Directed by Alan Taylor. Starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christopher Eccleston. The Dark Elves attack the realm of Asgard, prompting the God of Thunder to seek out his brother Loki in order to access the Dark World and bring the villains to justice.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire‘ (Nov. 22) — Directed by Francis Lawrence. Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Sam Claflin. The next chapter in ‘The Hunger Games’ series finds Katniss and Peter thrown back into the arena for a Hunger Games all-star edition, where they’re pitted against former victors.


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug‘ ( Dec. 13) — Directed by Peter Jackson. Starring Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Benedict Cumberbatch and Lee Pace. Bilbo, Gandalf and the Dwarfs continue their journey to retrieve the gold the dragon Smaug stole.
Let us know what 2013 releases you’re most excited about in the comments below! And make sure to bookmark this page as we’ll continue to update the 2013 new movie releases throughout the year!